Thank you for taking the time to explore ETC. We want to share with you a new program designed for women like you. The goal of ETC is to build women’s healing capacity and help them become stronger and healthier in life. This is a psycho-educational group; it is tailored to help you learn and practice new topics through skill-building and processing activities. Our goal is to walk this journey of healing with you, to help you in your understanding of “Your Story”.
Confidentiality and Exceptions to Confidentiality:
Mandated Reporters: Is an individual duty to report known or suspected abuse or neglect relating to children, elders, or dependent adults. All your facilitators are nationally certified, however only some are mandated reporters, So, if you need to speak in private, please indicate whether you need a mandated reporter or a confidential advocate, Confidential Advocates are not required by law to report on suspected abuse or neglect relating to children, elders, or dependent adults. Any one of the facilitators are willing to speak to you in a private and confidential space if needed.
Safety and Respect: Please take the time to respect your facilitators and turn your phone on or to vibrate. We understand if you have little ones to care for, but we ask that you understand that the facilitators take the time to prep, set up and order dinner for you, so please be respectful back. Thank you.
Attendance: Come as often as you can, however, if you don’t make one of the first two weeks to continue with the current session, if you are unable maybe you should sign up for the next session instead.
Punctuality: Be on time, we allow you to be up to 15 minutes after the start of the group, but after that we will close the doors, and no one will be allowed to come in after that time. So please, be on time, and be courteous.
Frequency of groups: Weekly on Wednesday 3:00pm-5:00pm.
Length of groups: Each group is anywhere from 1hr to 2hrs.
18 different topics: There is a new topic each week, so we will discuss 18 different, but relevant topics.
Exercises: We do either an experiential or a verbal exercise at the end of group to help women process the past trauma.
You can engage and participate if you like, or you can listen to learn. Whatever your style, you are welcome here.
Don’t believe you Have to tell your trauma story, you don’t have to. You can recover without ever telling your story.
When you are ready to speak about your story, we’ll encourage you to do it in a slow, well-timed way, so not to upset you or others in the group.
What is said in the group stays in the group. Anonymity is a must.
Leaders will make a reminder phone call the day before group and will tell you the topic for the next day’s topic.